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      more than 4 million hits/year | over-view table on some of those contacts | my youtube-video on "children of spacemen" / HOT CHOCOLATE | "The Light" | more

Physical UFO-contacts

(most from "old books" in english which are mainly out of print):

update 2014- audibooksMp3| ETcont.Table

links else on this | who visits earth?-linkmap| ET-interview

some  UFO-videos from Google and Youtube  | The Universe (youTubeVideo+ kitaro)

my youtube-site or another I made

coverups - most from GREER matr. | + | pleiadian message

life and disclosures of Dr. Michael Wolf- THE BIG DISCLOSURE

the pyramide-shaped ships from the timetravellers that needed our help -as they were trapped in a self-inflicted interdimension - read extract from Alec Newalds book from 1999:

their hover-"cars" below:


trans-beam-communication -  as in the ISHCOMAR-CONTACT FROM 1966. From the booklet "I AM ISHCOMAR."


+ powerpoint-show on the "frequency- raised level of Venus-case" + korendor

ufocontacts, abductions and some "ufo-sex" from the 50ths and later....








Historic UFO's link 

 UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES (of Wendelle Stevens)  |  interviews with Stevens in sound+ |

more on the SEMJASE/Erra contacts



from "ufo-contact from Acart" (Stevens) | audiobook mp3 upreading

The Meier Case & Its Spirituality

Erra-Pleiadians "technical method" making experince of "cosmic bliss" - similar to reported OUT OF THE BODY EXPERIENCES.

"he experienced a cosmic glimpse in the spaceship"  | more |

 UFO contact from KOLDAS (Wendelle Stevens/Carl van Vlierden) part 1  | introduction |

  KOLDAS part2     

   KOLDAS appendix


UFO-contact from planet Iarga (Stevens/Danearde)   

undersea UFObases


more IARGA:


much more on life of UMMO, history etc

the UFOs- contacts of Enrique Castillo Rincon in -73

Physical ufo-contact in former east-Germany in 1957

UFO-ABDUCTION AT MIRASSOLL – a biogenetic experiment | more

Trinidad contact in the 70ths

timetravellers that needed our help

the THIAOOUBA  contact  | all in one zipfile here |

the JANOS  people - a contact to an english family in 1978 - from the book "THE JANOS PEOPLE"  OF FRANK JOHNSON FROM 1980

"home of the gods"

Orfeo Angelucci's Contact Story from 1955

the book "the contact has begun" of Phillp H. Krapf

Healing and recovering from/after ufo-contacts

the contactperson VALIENT THOR

more of VAL-THOR

Physic and later trans-telepatic: Contact to 4th dim. People from planet Venus in their lowered state of vibration: from the book from the 50ths   

Elizabeth Klarer's contact in the 50thsmore

Richard Miller's  ufo-contacts


"the cosmic watergate" - illustrated extracts from the disclosure project

"the disclosure project"

from Steven Greers new book 

deep hidden chambers under pyramids on Giza

Ancient cities under the sands of Giza

German UFOs from preWW2 | more |

other mysteries of this world

ending of "all problems" - getting rid of evils root- the moneysystems cessation

"the biggest deceit ever" - 50min in mp3 on the creation of the  private central bank- FEDERAL "RESERVES"(downloadable)

the moneymasters (soundfile) (similar in realAUDIO)

Spiritual principles shown in simplified pictureform 



the KRILL-papers

ufocontacts, abductions and some "ufo-sex" from the 50ths and later....

the ufo-contacts of Uri Geller

same group as Uri-contacts: "Council of Nine"

Has Dr. Morris Jessup Communicated From The "Other Side"?


The Henoch Prophecies
from the Billy Meier Contacts - much confirmed

the claimed ufocontacts of Reinhold O. Schmidt from 1957

the TUNGUSKA explosion in 1908

ET-races and their motivations | lecture on googlevideo

the secret agreements of USA GOV. AND ET-RACES

"The Dulce Book"

He met tall white extraterrestrials  while serving at Nellis Air Force base in the 60ths

Daniel Fry - contactperson from the 50ths

another case where the "overseers" made initial radiocontact - Robert P. Renaud 's KORENDOR contact in the early 60ths | case in powerpoint

interview with a man working on filing ET- material in the mid 80ths

the contacts of Robert Miles | online-interview



a contact from 1952

download the song "children of spacemen"in mp3- cosmic txt  of HOT CHOCOLATE-from lp "CLASS" (1980)- and try to LISTEN to text!

mp3 song: "Calling  Occupants of Interplanetary Crafts" - the band Klaatu  |  2: here with "Carpenters |

DONOVANs song THE LIGHT from 1977-mp3
-listen to the song and you will recognice a wisdomtext - about the life between lives and the reincarnation-process - text

incredible private UFO video from....

"exploring the underground cities of Mars" FROM INTERVIEW WITH AL BIELEK IN THE 90ths -  he was working on secret procjects like the PHILDELPHIA EXPERIMENT from ww2

New Mexico UFO Crash
Encounter In 1945

the hidden rulers"



undersea UFObases

"was missed for 10 days - taken to another planet/dimension" - interview with Alec Newald

Karen Lysters site, UFO  Researcher

close-encounters 1900-1999

New Evidence of Military Involvement In Abductions

oral histories on ufos

time-traveller from 2036 - warnings for 2006

UFO-radiotakeover in 1977



Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Kitaro's "song for peace" in midi - made of my son Fredrik (born88)


Eng-norsk oversetter for bruk m. windows internett-explorer:  Nedlast her "I-finger" automatisk oversetter fra Engelsk til Norsk  her som oversetter ved å peke på ordet + serial

nb- denne over går kun i microsoft expl.(usikker vedr.om den går i VISTA) men nyere versjoner kan kjøpes, og de går i alle programmer - søk da på i-finger på google 

 LISTEN to lectures:

"creating money out of nothing" - about  the Federal Reserve System - Lecture by G. Edward Griffin - same for real Player | the lecture in text | download the soundfile in mp3 - 10,7 mb |

"the biggest deceit ever" - 50min in mp3 on the creation of the  private central bank- FEDERAL "RESERVES"(downloadable)

english soundfile in realAUDIO about the "money-masters" /moneymakers |  same for WINDOWS mediaplayer | onlinevideo on same

ufo-lectures  |  cropcirclelecture  | 

new: talk/discuss ufo-subjects live 

spiritual worldpicture:

Martinus Cosmology | Martinus Kosmologie (Deutch)

The New World Impetus Foundation (English)

download spiritual/ufo-books from other site on link here - zipfiles

Martinus' Cosmology - a world picture for the future (English)

esoteric wisdom from the initiated Max Heindel from ca.1910

UFO-contacts - scandianavian language

"Behind the light-barrior"  - of Elisabeth Klarer.


LECTURES in sound-partly mp3

"crash-recovery of a disk"

radiocontact to the over-lookers -p-pointshow

more on this theme of how "small" we are in cosmos HERE

colonisation from the different races acc.to galactic spacetravellers - out of PHYSICAL CONTACTS 

"angels in ufo's" - many physical contacts in italy in the 80ths




 Home   ufokontakter kanaliserte  links   mysteries LobsangRampa  coverups  kosmiske ideer  åndelig visdom  lydforedrag

Watch online videos from Google and Youtube (which can be stored using Firefox; - extensions - videodownloader) the links may change, so its best to search for names directly on http://video.google.com

 | mexico ufo-wave Legend of Atlantis

Roswell-video | Roswellbook | interview with UFO contactee Alex Collier  | den norske kontaktperson Arve Jacobsen forteller om sine kontakter

interpretation of the messages in cropcircles | UFO Forming Crop Circles Crop Circles - Secret Messages In The Fields? | signs/mysteries/cropcirclemysteries on

alien signs - colin andrews on

link to a short video clip of a low-flying craft taken in Russia?? / east Europe? in the early 90ths

some ufos caught by cameras | | in mp3 sound on how the earth are seeded from space acc.to Sixto Paz

how asteroids can devastate Earth as done to Atlantis acc. to Semjase

short videoes; moon-landing bluff/fake | proof /studio | | astronauts saw ufo | WTCufo |

UFO - The Secret Government | search more on youtube on "William Cooper"


"....it is important to note that the term UFO was only coined after covert programmes discovered that such objects were neither unidentified nor “flew” in any conventional sense of the word. Indeed, the majority of the information and culture associated with UFOs is disinformation designed to deflect serious scientific, media or mainstream governmental inquiry. People have been systematically deceived for half a century.

UFOs well-documented aerial phenomena, some of which are extra-terrestrial vehicles whereas others are advanced covert government aircraft using energy and propulsion technologies that could transform life on earth. It should be noted that the man-made devices are the result of illegally classified research and development (and acquisition) of technologies as well as the study of retrieved extraterrestrial vehicles"

Dr. Steven M Greer - interview


back to toplinks else on this

some cosmic music in mp3:

Jackson Browne; Before The Deluge

download the song "children of spacemen"in mp3- cosmic txt  of HOT CHOCOLATE-from lp "CLASS" (1980)- and try to LISTEN to text!

mp3 song: "Calling  Occupants of Interplanetary Crafts" - the band Klaatu  |  2: here with "Carpenters"  | 

Donovan's ATLANTIS song |

norwegian singer on myspace

Kansas from the70ths:  | On The Other Side | Reason to be


sky-sent - Heaven-&-Earth-Spirits - Be-Still-Thy-Soul - all downloadable free on mp3  

DONOVANs song THE LIGHT from 1977-mp3
-listen to the song and you will recognice a wisdomtext - about the life between lives and the reincarnation-process - text

Goodbye Milky Way-the German group ENIGMA- mp3- only song here

The Universe (youTubeVideo+ kitaro)

Kitaro's "song for peace" in midi - made of my son Fredrik (born88)